This was not exactly the super-fun-get-out-and-do-something week I had pictured last week. A wicked spring cold spoiled all my not-really-formed plans. Aside from Tuesday (and the weekend, but that's a different story) I didn't even leave the house except to eat/get groceries and go to work (yeah, I wan't really sick enough to skip work, just sick enough to make a light work week miserable.)
Tuesday I was still felling pretty good so I met my girlfriend and we went out for Italian. On the way home she wanted to stop by the cell-phone shop and see how much a new iPhone cost. Upon finding out that there were no start-up costs and the monthly bill wasn't much more than what she was paying before, we spent the next hour signing paper after paper before she finally received her new phone. (She spent most of the next week overcoming the learning curve and figuring out how to use said new phone.)
Wednesday I started to feel miserable so I took it as easy as possible and caught up on work around the house.
This week at work there was a big systems change at work so, while we didn't have any students, we still had to report in and sit around the office for six hours. Fortunately the monotony was broken up by going in to HQ for training on Thursday and cleaning the office on Saturday.
My high-school class was unaffected by the system change and had classes normal. During lunch I received a message from my girlfriend: "I"ve been hit by a car." To which I responded: "Again!?" (She had been hit last year as well.) Long story short: She was riding at night and got hit by a taxi. She's banged and bruised but more or less alright. I went over to her place Saturday and Sunday after work to bring her dinner (and her favorite chocolate and flowers, for maximum brownie points.)
Here's to hoping this week goes better for everyone involved.
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