Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week 36

A bit of "Holy cow I'm almost 30" panic and some home-sickness had me re-evaluating my 5 year plan. After a week of calming down and thinking about it; it's a good plan as is. I'd still like a little time to adventure before I come home and start my life.


  1. Your life is already started and going very well! You need to be as proud of yourself and I am of you. It takes courage and fortitude to live in another culture AND to teach your own to others. Take heart...the best is yet to be.

  2. From the loyal opposition.

    If you are making choices that are reasonably compatible with your goals (ahem, by now you should have figured out--within a few standard deviations-- what you want your life to be like), then you are headed in the right direction.

    If you're going to stay in Japan two more years, then get a master's degree, for Pete's sake. Otherwise, you'll be competing with 22 year-olds when you get back to the States. If you really like teaching and living abroad, then get a master's degree in curriculum and instruction, and set the teaching of English world afire. Morgan (as if you couldn't tell).
